Saturday, December 30, 2006
Juz Grabbin Some
It was a long day,Thursday. I got up early... And left with my family for Port Dickson, Malaysia. We got into the car and travelled for about 3 hours.. at about 140km/h...
We checked in at the Legend Water Chalet, our room above the water. And guess what; there's glass panels to view the water below. It's super cool... a room with a view!
The day was spent visiting some really nice places and ending with a yummy dinner at some distant restaurant in some hidden place (cos theres no street lights, so its real scary)
The next day we went to some places - "business related stuff". Then it was back to home.. and my hp batt was flat.
I actually made an appointment with Zai and Sebas... to go watch a movie in the evening. But with the clock ticking away and without their contact on my sim... i was out of reach. OMG. Finally i received an sms, using my dad hp... So i got in touch with Zainul and met him at about 8pm and watched the move Death Note 2. It was really boring... Yawns.
It ended at 11.25pm. And the last bus home was at 11.30pm... so i ran... and made it juz in time.
Wat a day. Wat a year.
as i leave my last post for 2006... i wish everyone a Happy New Year!
~yesterday's history.. tomorrow's a mystery.. todays a gift... that why its called present! ~
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Its been a week
On Wednesday, there was lessons as usual.. But.. i felt sick, i mean i was sick. So i decided not to go to class. Then Zai and Sebas called me... "you busy" and obviously i felt that going out would be more fun. So i met Zai and Sebas and went around Marina Square, then on to Esplanade. And guess what i saw --> The Casino Royale poker set. Its really so damn cool. Sadly i only got the deck of cards and one chip. Then it was off to class, and i was very late, about 8pm. No surprise, class ended at about 9.
Friday is more exciting, i went to Marina South for dinner with the SVA crew, well at least most of the crew. The dinner was a "splatter". Ouch. Haha. Then it was on to some games at the arcade and then a few rounds of bowling, obviously in which i always got the better score. Haha.
Saturday was about the same. I went to the same place for dinner to celebrate my cousin sister b'day...
So fun.
But... OMG... Tomorrow is MONDAY!!! Ahhh!!!!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
At the Zoo
Sunday, December 03, 2006
This week was juz as fast paced. But friday seemed like THE day. The one i want to just stop everything and relax. But nope...
I got up extra early, b'cos it the first day of the month... So MUST go to the office. I arrived at bedok, helped out with some stuff, then left at about 8. I meet Sebas in J8 soon after. Then we went to the near by S11. We bought 2 bottles of of Tiger Beer... for 20cents. Empty Bottles lah. After that, we went to KCP and had some filming until about 6. Then back to J8 for some discussions/lunch/coffee.
And then... had to go to class. I so wanted to go home first, to get my books and stuff. But i did'nt. So there goes Siti's present.. collecting dust for another day. Haha. Aft class, i was supposed to go to bukit batok for ally's b'day. But all plans had gone wrong. Leaving me and Tesh wif a cake for Siti...
Sat was a little diff... I got up at abt 12.30. Obviously i did'nt go to work. Juz sleep and sleep some more.Then in the evening i was supposed to go to my sis house for some prayers.. but nope. My dad called and said that i had to accompany him for a D&D. I was the youngest there... Like the next is abt 5-10yrs older. Haha. It nice to see how "networking" works.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
till another time.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
I was invited to the KCPSS Staff Annual Dinner!! Special thanks to Ms Murni, Mr Benson and Mrs Lee.
The dinner was at the Forest Lodge, in the Zoo.. The place looks cool.. and the people, really warm. It fells like juz yesterday i felt Kcp.. Really miss all the teachers..
I got the the fourth prize out of abt 50 prizes for the luck draw... guess wat a rice cooker..but sadly no gf to cook for..haha.
the real stuff was that Mr Tony Low, the principal of KCP gave me frenzs of KCP cert.. So cool!!!!
Ahh! I still so happy... dunno wat to say!!!
Thanks Everyone!!!
So we ran for some small shalter... just for a moments pause, then moved back into the rain and started to film. IN THE RAIN. the umbrella i had was glady donated to keep the camera dry. So the cast and crew were left soaking.
Don't i just love film!
Ahh Choo!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Today was just like any other... work, then went to a b'day party then to a chalet at downtown east. Ain't life so routine... and every other day seems to moves slower than Sundays, perhaps because i always get up at about 1pm.. hum. maybe
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Friday was the last exam, advertising. And its was very... nvm.
Later that night, i went to a grandma's b'day. It was very different from many other parties i've been to. Mainly cos it a "hindi" party. And the songs were mainly hindi. It was really nice to watch such a close knit family. And all that dance.
Saturday was even better, i't was cous 21st b'day. and its was juz party all night long. We arrived at 6 and started with karaoke. And it was such a long time since my sis and i sang together. Soon after its was on with cake cutting and the dinner. yummy. Then it was on with the fun.
2 glasses of wine, 2 glasses of chivas regal and 2 of bourbon coke.
and lots of dance.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
The festive mood has kept me away from my books for quite a long time. So many things have happened in the past week. So much, till an extent i cant describe. The future seems like a big question. Suddenly the year seems to be coming to an end. I'm faced with something at every angle. Things and opportunities i should be thankful for...
But who am i, really?
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Surprise! At about 6.30pm we went down to a travel agent and made a booking, to Genting. The bus was to leave at 10pm. So we had about 3.5hrs.... So we rushed back home, got some stuff and left.
The bus was wonderful, 2 level of seating, individual multi-channel tv's. And all the chairs were massage chairs. So relaxing. Time passed so quickly. The bus arrived at about 5.30am. And that is quite late, compared to the dozen other times i gone there.
I really had a great time there! I got some much of stuff... The Mystique Show was interesting and the M Spa was just fantastic.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Haha. The movie was showing at "Cinema Europa"

Well it is really comfy and has lots of space. And i love the colour. Blue.
But when it is compared to "The Picture House @ The Cathay". The winning theater is obvious.
I guess i still prefer The Cathay over GV Vivo City.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Coming Soon...
This weekend was just the average, just that the cafe was closed. My family then decided to go down to JB... I got some clothes and stuff for Deepavali. Then we went looking for some car accessories. So went to this "Southern City Mega Mart". Interesting? At about 9pm, we left the place and went for some seafood dinner around the "Zon, f.k.a Eden Garden Hotel" The food was nice.. Yummy. The giant prawns...
At about 10.30pm, we decided that we should stay the night.. So we went into the hotel without a reservation and got a room. At 10.30 in the night! The next day was filled with more shopping and stuff.
Aint life exciting?
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Dunkin Donuts
Siti had something about Dunkin Donuts on MSN a few days back.. So i was wondering if i could get some Dunkin Donuts, but its no longer in Singapore. So i convinced my parents to go to JB just to get a dozen donuts. Haha. Must really thank them for bringing me there.
On Friday, i went to class late as usual. About 7.30. Guess What. Happy Friday. It was really nice to see Siti's expression...
Until my next post...
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Juz sometimes...
Somethings just happen unexpectedly... Sometimes people just love to annoy you. Where do these people actually stand in my life? What am i going to do about it.
Work today was exciting. Had a little accident, involving one of the chemicals. Well at least it classified by WHO as Moderately hazardous (Class II) technical grade active ingredients of pesticides.
There's advertising class later.. Don't really feel like going. My headache is terrible.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Today, the team completed another block... Theres still 2 blocks to go. The rooms are generally untidy and smelly. And filled with lots of cockroaches. It runs all over the place, especially in the cooking area.. Eww! It take 8ppl about 5 hours or more to finish a block! Obviously it aint easy. I've having headaches and stuff.
Well, that life. Just another day.
Its that time of the year!
The innocent victims of Internet child abuse cannot speak for themselves.
But you can.
With your help, we can eradicate this evil trade.
We do not need your money.
We need you to light a candle of support
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Another Week...
Life has been interesting. I met some of the 4 love /05 ppl today. Its really nice to see everyone. Really fun.
Work has been exciting? Haha. I didn't know i actually had so much of say. Surprising. Having a business in front of you is always exciting. Its now all about the choice i got to make. Now, what am i going to do. I love film and PR. I love the family business.
The answer is obvious. Is it?
Not really. I face a dozen problems. I am already finding some modules tough. I've got to balance work and study. And it ain't easy when the job isn't fixed. Generally, i do alot of different things in a day, from basic office work to being in the field or making coffee and kaya toast. Then I've also got to study about the pest and stuff, when I'm free.
Ain't life so colourful, yet plain.
Abandoned places - I guess we know the score
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for...
Another hero, another mindless crime
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore
The show must go on,
The show must go on
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Words of Wisdom
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may just never be enough;
Give the world the best you have anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it's all between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
With great power comes great responsibility.
This week has been very interesting. I was at work on Saturday, when suddenly my mum asked if we would like to go for a short break? Yes! So about 2pm we left work and when home to get some stuff for our trip... We stayed in Port Dickson Ancasa Allsuites, Malaysia. The hotel is really nice, but getting there was a bit of a problem. The signs on the highway seem kinda hard to understand because they are placed after the exits...
The next day, we decided to go KL. Yes, surprise again. We went to KLCC Suria .. something like that. The place seems the same. Lots of nice stuff. I got myself a Levis wallet and a key holder. And lots of other stuff. At 9pm, we left KL and headed home. And its back to work.
The rest of the week has been the same. Work. Study.
Just that the company's financial reports are done. And yes, it has created some stuff ... So I'm now planning on what to do next, like setting up a website, marketing and stuff... Ain't that exciting.
Being a 17 year old with so much .......? Hum, its how you see it...
Does anyone actually know what i do in a day?
Saturday, September 02, 2006

I met Zai and Sebas at PS.. we went to see "The Devil Wears Prada" at the new The Cathay. The theater hall was the cathay grand. Damn Nice. Its always about the movie, for once the movie hall is nice too..
Zai had to go home for tuition, so Sebas and i went to Toa Payoh, thinking that we could watch another movie. But nope, nothing nice... And i didn't realise that there isn't a Coffee Bean or Starbucks in Toa Payoh Central? Tats bad. We eventually went to Ya Kun Kaya Toast.

Thursday, August 31, 2006
On 30th Aug 1989, I came into this world...
Yesterday was interesting, i met Zai and Sebas at J8 for lunch. And as usual, i was late. Oops. Later, i met Josh, Sherman and Hannah (and her friend) . Its been so long since i've seen all this people. Time has gone by so quickly.. We were supposed to go watch some movie, but the plans were constantly changing. Finally, this is what we did --> Josh, Sherman and I had dinner at Marina Square.. then Hannah joined us. Then we went bowling. --> the funniest bunch of people i can ever bowl with.
Hannah left after the game... we guys went on to see a movie.. a not very nice one.. CLICK. How bad can a movie get? Very.
I made it home by 12mn. Juz on time for my B'day.. Haha. And as usual, my b'day has been so fun. And its really not the gifts, but the thought and the time. Thanks to everyone who made my B'day so special... Special thanks to my Mom, Dad, Sis.....
I really wanted a tattoo for my b'day, but sadly i couldn't.. so perhaps another time.
Another very special thing about my B'day is that Esther, from by Mass Comm class, and i are born on the same day (Juz a year diff). So cool. She's really a nice fren.
Happy Birthday Esther!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Its been a long time since I've been to the cafe or to the office. I can't wait to go back and resume work as usual. I actually miss getting up early in the morning, going to the cafe and being around so many wonderful people. Life.
PR Quiz was interesting.. I knew some answers... but juz couldn't remember it at that time, like the 7Cs of Communication.. I missed out "Channels" and wrote Consumption instead of capability.Must have been hungry. Study.
On the way home, at a stopover at a petrol kiosk, i found a shelf full of Milano cookies. Cute packaging. Never heard of it or noticed it until last weeks advertising class. Taste Of Advertising.

Tomorrow, I'm meeting some frenzs from KCP SVA 06' crew. I can never forget this people. Can you believe that for 4 years in KCP, i don't even know some of my classmates like how i know these sva ppl. I actually has lots of fun.. I even missed some DNT classes cos i was crazy over SVA. Was it because of my love for film or because of the people? Later in the evening, i will be meeting some of my sec 3/4 classmates. Cant wait to see all this people. Friendship.
Love? Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Some things never change, some things always do.
Monday, August 28, 2006
The Maid
It is shocking. There's a maid in the house. And i cant speak much to her as shes from Indonesia.

After a few games, we went up to Supercue and played Pool. I've only played pool a few times, so few that i can count with my fingers. haha.
Its abt 2.40 am now. Got a quiz in PR class... Must Study. Must. ZzzZzz
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Heart Under Blade
I've been trying to find the movie posters and stuff for Shinobi.. anyone wif info?
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Everyone Has A Spice!
Nothing really interesting has happened in this past few days.. the maid still hasn't arrived, so i'm stuck with my grnaddad. Annoying.
Anyways, anyone been to Alkaff Mansion? Can tell me more abt it?

Thursday, August 17, 2006
I juz recovered the stuff from my old harddrive... And i got back all my stuff that i thought was gone forever. All my pics and files. I got all my sec 3 camp pics, including the one where samuel tan had toothpaste and ornages on him when we fell asleep juz beside the stairs.. haha.
I also found my sec 2 IPW pics.. Icebreakers one interesting project group.
Anyways.. i suddenly thought abt an ad... my all time fav ad.
It is a visa ad featuring Richard Gere. I juz dun know why i always stop and watch the ad whenever and whereever it is shown.. Hum..
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Friday, August 11, 2006
All In A Day's Work...
On thur (which juz passed an hour ago, haha) i set the alarms at 4.30am with intentions of taking the first bus to Bedok... But i snoozed the alarm and got up later... then had to rush with all my bags, extra clothes, laptop., blah-blah. It can reali be annoying to carry all this on a crowded bus..
Once i reached the cafe- had to turn on the cash register and teach the friendly staff on how to use it, cos it was a new one that's diff frm the older model we had. Then, go to the office and issue card to the staff there.. Then.. Then? So many other things, i never expected it to be so exciting.
After work i went to CGH to vist my grandfather. He was so happy that i came to see him. He is now able to walk short distances... But he is still on a high dose of morphine.
After that short visit it was off to Toa Payoh for lessons. And guess wat, all this time, i havent completed my project report for PR.. and the deadlines 2400hrs. Obviously i was late to submit it, i sent it juz a few minutes ago... so its considered the next day. Hope Not!
Haha. Cya!
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Locks No More...

Anyways, my sis is staying over at my house today. Its still do damn early in the night. Am thinking of going to watch Tokyo Drift... Hum...
Dreadlocks no more....
I finally removed my dreads. More liked pulled it out. Ouch! My hair looks so damn messed up now.. Must think of a new style to shock some ppl. Haha
So, today... hum. Did nothing much today... Ahh, i went to the post office to collect my registered mail, a "post-tube". Well, it was supposed to be a mail tube. I was so damn excited to finally get my mail. It had little dents around th middle, and had this stamped on it --> RECEIVED IN THIS CONDITION. And guess what, it was empty. The tube was empty. Ahh! I purchased a poster off Ebay... cost $8.50 ... and its not in the tube...
Ok, nvm... Aft that, i went to the lending library section of the national library to get some books for journalism.. I got a book on journalism in wartime. Interesting?
Ok, gtg.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Quote. Got One?
I actually missed class cos of this... ahhh! Excuses. Excuses.
Am currently looking up for some books for a "Book Report" for Journalism - The Special Nerds Edt.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Who planted you here?
After work, i finally had the time to read the newspaper... then it stuck me... Its Aug1. 29 days to my B'day. Hehe. Well, b'day comes every year, but this year i want mine to be diff. i wanna look diff. And i hope to find a gf b4 me B'day... Can i?
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
So Long...
I am now taking Dip in Mass Comm in PSB Acad. A course i reali love and find very interesting. My classmates are really fun ppl. There's only one other guy in class, and he's not always arnd. Its cool to be arnd these reali cute girlz... it can reali get veri hot.
Then there's work. I'm currently working part/full-time in my parents biz, which is a cafe, a vector control company and a maintenance company. The work is fun, but it can be very hard at time. My work hours arent fixed, so sometimes i can start work late, and other times i got to work till past midnight. There so many things about a biz. So many things that ppl dont see, things that i shouldnt say.
Finally, there's my social life. I actually have one?!? I have no idea. I dont reali have much time for it. There seems to juz be enough time for my studies and work. And i'm single. STILL SINGLE!
And guess wat, my sisters married.. On the 17th of June, we celebrated her 21st B'day as well as her marriage. 2 weeks later, it was her traditional wedding. It happened so quickly, i still cant believe it. The house seems so quiet now. Its juz me and my dog, as my parents are always out at work, And i rush home.
So many other things have happened in these past months. I juz want to take a break. I havent been feeling too good lately. I dont eat as much as i used to. I cant sleep at night. I feel tired and stressed. I get irritated easily. And have neck and back pains. Life juz seems sooo interesting. What can i do? Life goes on, even when you smile juz for others to see.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
My First Post For 2006
Well, i have been kinda busy. . Lots of things have been going on.. The most interesting would be my job and the poly open house stuff..
Well, initially, i was doing telemarketing, now, i'm workin wif my parents.. Hum.. Things feel so different. No school, just work and boring travels. Then suddenly things chnage.. Life becomes so fast-paced.. So quick, I move into the world where time is money. Interseting, isnt it.
This has caused me to think.. What Am I Gonna Do? Do i follow my dreams, or the path that is laid for me. Perhaps, only time can tell... Perhaps, Perhaps Not..
For the moemnt, i just want to relax... So let the fun begin... 4 Lv 05 is having a gathering on Thur. Haha. I wonder what it's gonna be like? Its been so long since i've seen some ppl..
N abt friends, i still havent given teddy the gift i got... its was to be for christmas, now looks like its gonna be for chinese new year. Haha, well, i am busy.
So i gtg now, have some stuff to do...ZzzZzz. Well, that's if i dun fall asleep first.. Haha.
So bye bye!