I love the song from the 2004 Movie "Puteri Gunung Ledang". It is one of the best love stories of all time... And the song "Asmaradana" , sung by Tiara Jaquelina is also very nice!
I had to get the lyrics and the english translation. Later i found out the the song is from a poem by Goenawan Mohamad - "Asmaranda/Love Song".
THE POEM - modified
He heard the bats' wings beating and the drumming of the rain,wind leaning on the teak trees.He heard the fidgeting horse stugging at the chariot, as the sky was swept of cloud, revealing the pole star. They had no need
of speech, but he spoke of their separation, of his death.He saw the future: fate, map,journey, war, all indistinctly.
He realized she would not cry.In the morning, there would be footprints on the grass in the yard, leading north.She would refuse to consider what had passed, what was to come,no longer daring to.
Anjasmara, my love, stay with me.The wind has shrouded the moon:time ignores it. Amongst the mist and the fireflies, you forget my face, I forget yours.
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