Saturday, December 31, 2005
My Last Post... For 2005
Its New Year's Eve... Okie, i gtg...
Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Well, I'm So Bored...
Well, what else am i gonna write about.. Its juz a few days to New Year.. Christmas was simply fun... i was at Eden Garden Hotel, JB... N guess wat, we got club rooms.. so as soon as we arrived there, we were brought to the top floor of the hotel for our check-in... instead of the usual at the lobby... Whoa. I so loved it.. as usual the good service, the great view.. fun, fun and more fun. Well, what else can i say, club suites are always different. haha.. So after check-in, 2 of me cous and i were off to the roman spa. Cool... Juz like anyother spa though... But comes wif butler and extras.. Well, relax. That's all i had to do... Then it was off to the pool. . .

That's Me @ The Pool
Well, i cant wait to go back again... Its juz a few days to New Year.. so where am i gonna be? Hum... I wonder....
For the moment, all i wanna do is sleep, i'm so damn tired... ZzzZzz
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Its Been Awhile....
Its been a while since i met my classmates, and even the sva crew. It feels strange.. its happening, and i'm feeling it.. I have left the school. That feeling i didnt fully experience even on grad nite... Why now? The Emptiness. The Void Space.
In my four years in KCP, i've had made some friends, some enemies... some experiences... The first day i walked into sch was funny, all the rush here and there... The simple icebreakers. The little fun... Soon the work started, n the exams came in.. Sec 2 was THE year, where we had to split in the end, from Truth to Love... The year where i told Joanne that ...... nvm, its over.
I wondered what it would be like, once again, to be in a new class, with someother ppl.. The Sec 3 camp was a really fun one, a time where i got to know my new class better... So the talking started... then we couldnt stop talking.. Haha.
Sec 4 was the most imp year... the O Lvl, sigh, its the year where i also start work on the project "The Disc". Directing was always fun... Being part of a wacky production group was even better... The crew soon became like a family... with its daily meetings... Besides these ppl, i also got to know ppl like Alex, Yu Ting, Josh and Hannah better... We like formed a group in the side of the class.. All the fun we had... Whenever we spotted an MRT go by, its was like " Look, MRT! Ahhh!" Well, then there was all the fun talk n jokes, the good times n the bad ones... N Hannah, thanks for being there for me..
Well, now, i'm all alone at home, was juz chattin wif teddy on msn.... Its juz so lonely.. (i hate that song) Life seems so empty. I havent seen a fren arnd. Sigh...
I wonder why this has to happen... Well, life goes on they say...really whats gonna happen? Juz these months seems like a long time... and there's still more months to go... What am i gonna do when i get my results?
All i can do now is wonder....
Friday, December 16, 2005
Well, i wonder why i've been sleeping so late recently.. I juz cant get to bed early... so i'm always on the com and watching tv.. i guess in this few weeks, i've never slept before 12am...
Anyway, its juz a few more days to Christmas. It's that time of the year again... And what am i gonna get for my family and friends.. Well, i'll have to think about that quick...
Eh, guess what, i saw Hannah Lim at Mac a few days ago, more like she saw me... anyway, i've been msging her, but she dosent reply.. Sigh.
Well, thats life.
And to the little teddy : Somethings never change.... Somethings always do.
Kaes, Gd Nite/Mornin..
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Its about 20 hours left to the submissin of the sva entry - The Disc. haha. and its still being edited. And guess what. Wait, the there are two other editing ppl, and guess what, ones sick. Sigh, as usual. he's always sick and leaving early... sigh. With less than 20 hours to go, what are we gonna do.
Well, point to note for the ppl doing the kcp sva next year, plz have a good cast and crew. And have the auditions that i suggested. Sigh. Why doesnt anyone listen to me. haha
Monday, December 05, 2005
About 36 Hours More.....
Well, we are also planing to have a launch. Well, the details of it is still a secret. Haha. Must be so damn scarry that people scream and run around. Hum.... better get some SJAB people.... hehe.
Okie, have to go now. The work never stops, the crew is working very hard, even as i write this..
Bye bye!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
A day of rest?
.... and thers a very short time to the submission of the video, and that person, who is the DOP, does'nt want to come. Sigh.. Theres a meeting on Mon, an emergency meeting. And guess what that person can say " I dunno if i can come" lets try ending that for that person ..... ~ i dunn if i can come, i juz dun care. Its ur prob ~
Well, it sure sounds like that. Can juz call last min and say, "eh, something pop-up"
Sigh, Some things never change. And its worest when you trusted that person the most, and this happens. Why?
--> if anyone trys to destroy my production, i will not hesitate to do anything. And i do mean anything, cos as all may already know, i love this production alot.
Well, i'm sure we will have a great movie. Well, the trailer for the movie is at , just search "The Disc" or "KCP".. Tell others if the trailer is nice. Tell me if its not. haha
Okie, take care, gtg now. Have lots of stuff to do....
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Juz a few more days
The SVA crew met in the morning. Then the fun began. We had lots of stuff to do. And we did the impossible. We made an umbrella float in the middle of the quadrangle. Haha. Looks damn scarry. Aint that fun. The filiming for the day started as sonn as thesun went down. Then its was juz filming, filming and more fimling. And i so happened to look at my watch at a particular time.I juz dun know why. Guess wat time it was. 12am. Now, tats kinda weird. A second of pause, then it was back to work. We were working on the toilet scene at that time.
The final scene for the night (day.. hehe) was the scene in the auditorium. And goodness, i didnt know ppl would actually sleep there, instead of filming. Well, we had lots of fun that day, and even with a few delays, we managed to end on time. After we finished, teddy and hannah + sebas and i went to watch Harrp Potter. interesting. I was about to sleep. And i didnt want to disturb the angel boy, and guess wat, teddy was next to me. So teddys, OUCH! That must have hurt. ....
haha, so thats all the fun i have ot rite about, sadly i had to miss the class chalet. Sigh.
Well, gtg now, have to be in sch 9am, wait i have a call.
Teddy just called, says that "will be late, 10am". WTF. Wat can i say. Somw ppl juz cant keep to the time. Ppl have things popping up. Maybe, i should juz not go for meeting for1 day adn turn off the phone, and go see some movie and enjoy myself. Sigh. Why.
Anyway, my blk will be having a power-cut from 8.30am. So wat am i gonna do. Thats in like, 20MINS! Ahh. Okie, i have to go now, have some stuff to do. Bye bye!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Whoa.. Grad Nite was fun!
Soon, i met Hannah Lim... my date for the night ... and well everyone else. Everyone kept complimenting me abt me outfit.. Haha. Tell me abt the talk of the nite.... hehe. Well, i guess, i do like the lime light. Juz to name a few ppl who said i looked nice... Mr Chua... Ms Santa, Ms Lim.... blah blah.
Well, i wanted to make a blod statement, and i guess i did. Firstly, i guess i'm the only guy with a bouquet. Then came the surprise. And guess wat, none of my fellow graduates knew about it.
Hannah Ee helped me to keep a 1meter tall bear. and guess wat... it was like a fairytale. I walked into the hall with the bear, obviously i'm the only one with such a big gift, then, i kinda got the attention of everyone. All guess wat was going on. Hannah Lim, and lots of others were dancing. Then, the rest moved away, leaving Hannah and Me. So romantic.. hehe. Then i gave her the bear. That was so damn nice. Hehe. Soon after, ppl were like, "where you got the bear from", "first the flowers, then the bear". . . hehe.
Well, i'll never forget that nite. i had lots of fun... and sadly no kisses, but juz a hug. sigh. awww.
Okie, yah, i should also thank my parents for their help.. hehe. Well, juz several hundread dollars. Hehe. The total figures, including the gifts, were kinda like huge.. 3/4 of 1k. Well i guess its well spent. I had a wonderful night. And i'm sure i made an impression. Haha. Tell me abt getting the lime light....
Friday, November 25, 2005
So wat am i gonna do now? Juz wait.. wait.. ZzZz..
Hehe, okie, tmr there's SVA meeting. Got lots of stuff to buy. Whoa. Aint that fun. We gonna float umbrellas, again. . TMR, we will be creating a few dummies and alos try out some stuff. Aint that nice. Hum... okie, must go now.
Bye Bye...
Thursday, November 24, 2005
OK, i gtg now... tmr must meet teddy at 8.30am. I dun wanna be late, again...
Bye bye
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
The exams are over!
Been so tired, cos i have been sleeping late for these past few weeks. Finally i can have a break. And tmr, its back to school. There's some stuff to be done.
Okie, got to go now. bye bye.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
2 More Papers.
Been having a busy weekend. Was at M'asia on sat.... went to alot of stores and stuff. .
Then, , today, i went at Taka and wisma to get some stuff for grad nite.. the exams arent over and i'm thinking of grad nite... sigh..
Must go now... must memorise... Must...
Zzz... Zzz...
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Its Been So Long
Later today, theres POA. Then next week, there's DNT and Science.
Well, besides the exams, nothing much has been happening. Same old me, roaming around. Recently, i went to orchard, and guess what, i so hapened to meet Teddy. Well, since then we have been having certain debates.. And i cant wait for next TUE. The end of the exams, finally i would be back to the crew.
So, thats all the time i have, must leave now, or else i would be late for POA.. Ahh!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Tomorrows Another Day!
So here it is. ZzzZzz.
Whoa, Yesterday was the maths paper 1 and the social studies paper.
Today was the Science Chem paper. Interesting. Still gots lots more to go...
Bye Bye!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Hehe, Then this week that juz passed was the Deepavali and Hari Raya week. Cool. Lots of fun, food, and $$$. Okie, i sound like i'm a money devil... but i'm not, reali!
Juz 8 DAY OF EXAMS! but lots of days inbetween. Sigh.
Today, i dunno why, i got damn mad. More like crazy. OMG. I HATE Z#$%! U Freakin T#$%y!
I gonna kill u! U block meagain rite!
Saturday, October 29, 2005
The day started off like any other. We had the usual planning. The thinking. The hard work. And finally the FUN. We went to see " The Legend Of Zorro " at GV Marina. . . Fun. Hannah + Sebas were having lots of it. Especially at those romantic scence. Whoa. Sadly i was next to teddy. And what could happen?. Um.. hehe, two naughty guys . . . Well Nothing!!!. What do you expect?!?! Haha. Teddy and i were juz cold, no we were FREEZING. We found it exciting to look at Hannah + Sebas. I guess it gave us a little warmth thru the laughter. Haha.
After that, we went to "Popcorn" at the Esplanade. There, i bought another poster. TROY. Then we left the place, split up and went our seperate ways. And i went out. I went to Little India. Nice. Hot. Stuffy. Boring. Thats all i have to say about it.
Well, i'm no back home. ~Finally~ . And cant wait to sleep. Its been kinda late these few days. Even yesterday, as teddy and i were kinda spooked. . .
Got to go. Bye bye.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Today Was....
In this group almost all seemed to have failed at their task. The script remains about the same. The storyboard is ..... Nvm, lets go to the schedule, its in a mess. There no actuall name of the scenes or the scene number. There are only 3 days of filming. There's no extras, no audition. There WILL NOT BE PERFECTION. Might as well not film. What is wrong with these people.
Ok, this is not helping. I should have a plan. OK.
Haha. Remove the stuffings of Teddy... Muahahaha! I gonna roast chicken. Skin Duck. Teach BAD Yoga and twist Mr. Flexi!
OOhMy! This is gonna be so fun. Gtg. It's like 1.20am.... hehe. Sigh. All cos of this SVA irresponsible people. Sigh. zzZZZZ. . . zzZZZ . . .
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Am i materalistic?
I juz gathered my new stuff together... Levi's Jeans, Tee's, Wallet, Socks ..... BUM Shirts .... Wall Of Fame designer shirts ..... Diesel tee's and my fav - onyx RING - frm TianPo Jewellery. But i still dont have a new shoe? What am i gonna do? Go Shopping! Hehe ... Btw, i can't wait for my iPOD Nano arriving tmr. . .
Am i materalistic? I hope not. Metrosexual, hum?!?
Abt Metrosexuals, frm some website:
1. You just can't walk past a Banana Republic store without making a purchase.
2. You own 20 pairs of shoes, half a dozen pairs of sunglasses, just as many watches and you carry a man-purse.
3. You see a stylist instead of a barber, because barbers don't do highlights.
4. You can make her lamb shanks and risotto for dinner and Eggs Benedict for breakfast... all from scratch.
5. You only wear Calvin Klein boxer-briefs.
6. You shave more than just your face. You also exfoliate and moisturize.
7. You would never, ever own a pickup truck.
8. You can't imagine a day without hair styling products.
9. You'd rather drink wine than beer... but you'll find out what estate and vintage first.
10. Whoa. Isnt 9 enough?!?!
Interesting... A month to the end of O's. But it hasn't even really started.
Must go study. Must go NP! Must!
Sean Paul
Music Video Codes by
Sean Paul - We'll Be Burnin
[chorus] Everyday, we be burnin not concernin what nobody wanna say
We be earnin dollars turning cau we mind deh pon we pay
Some got gold and all dem diamonds all we got is Mary J
Legalize it, time you recognize it
Monday, October 17, 2005
~ was away on a short break ~
Ello, i was at Genting during the weekends... had lots of fun. Whoa. The day started off with breakfast at the beautiful coffee house at Casino De Genting... then it was off to shopping and more shopping. The games at genting were nice too. . . sadly the Motion Master (weird name, hehe) was closed for maintenance.
After the games, it was back to shopping. Then dinner at Resort Hotel.. then there was still time for more fun. My family and i went to the new "M SPA" at the Casino De Genting.
Whoa. The place was damn nice. The SPA' s bigger then those other in-hotel one's like Hyatt @ Malayia and Sijori Resort @ Sentosa. The difference is not juz the size, its the overall look, feel, sound and not to mention the Plasma TV. aaah. So relaxing. I spent abt 4 hour at the spa. I left the spa at abt 1am... and nope the fun was not over.
After a short walk to First World Hotel... party.... Eventally freezing with my Coffee Bean ice blended white chocolate. I had lots of fun... Whoa.. zzZZZZ! Bye Bye!
Go see my pics at my MSN SPACE :
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Grad Service Video.....
my life - IN KCP
Sec 1 and 2 was really fun.. hehe.. Frenz such as Min Qi, Wei Hao, Sarah ...... on and on ...... really cool bunch of people. And then there's Eeyore. Sad. Period. Well, i hope that time has healed this wound... and then we would be good frenzs again, cos tmr is the last day in sch and i juz wanna say some stuff.
Sec 3 was ok. New class with new people... It seemed a little weird. Sec 3 camp was damn fun.. have lots of good memories and funny ones too. Like the time that Samuel Tan had toothpaste all over his face! haha.
Sec 4, hum... more intense, yet more fun.. Got to know ppl like Hannah, Alex, Joshua, Sherman and Yu Ting better. (BTW, Sherman like EA-TING as in Yu Ting) And these are a group of hyper-active, weird and simply fun people. Juz as things seemed to be going smooth ... Its time to study hard, do the exams well, and leave these people. Sigh.
I also had lots of fun with the KCP SVA CREW. Namely, KFC, DUCK, TEDDY, HANNAH + SEBAS, BEN and MATT! I really cant wait to see what they are gonna do!?!? Hum.. better be good and scarry, juz dont cause and heart attacks. Haha. For more info on the movie :
Kaes, thats abt my life in KCP....
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Wat happen today?
Aft that, i was at Mr. Benson's office. I was helping out with the photo montage. And guess wat, Andrew ran away!
Ooh. WaTEvA! BTW.. I wonder hows Teddy? I wonder what KFC said to him.. well wateva it is, take care bro.
Kaes, i gtg and continue studying.. i dun have much of a choice! Haha. Bye Bye.
Monday, October 03, 2005
My Life...
First it began like this:
Mon seulement amour jailli de ma seulement haine
Quando ho visto la u, il fel di i nell'amore e voi hanno sorriso perché avete saputo
Now i sadly sing:
Qualunque cosa avvenga, qualunque cosa avvenga, li amerò fino al mio giorno morente
An advice to all who can read this post:
la cosa che più grande mai impariate, che siate giusti amare ed essere amava nel ritorno
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Um,wats up with my blog?
My blog is so damn screwed! OMG! I cant use it from my IE! What am i gonna do?
Sigh, so i have no choice.. i have to write on some deformed writing space. Kaes, i wanted to blog yesterday, but had more probs using blog. Sigh.... So as i was saying, yesterday was damn boring, except fot the fire drill. My class was the last both times... so i guess in the event of a real, nevermind. Ok, i have a few pics of the fire drill and some of " what if the school's really on fire " .... I'll try to upload it.
Today, was as usual.. Boring, yet special. haha. I loved the grad nite stuff during assembly, it was really damn nice to see those old pics. . .
Kaes, i gtg.. must continue SS!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
The morning was filled with ups an downs... i dun wanna share it. Aft recess, it got much better. First, there was some survey thing, then there was chem pratical. I really find chem interesting, cos i end up creating a mess. Haha. Ah, aft Chem was SS. It was as usual, A-L-R-I-G-H-T ! I didnt want to leave sch, even aft the bell rang, time had gone by too quickly. Oh My, Wat The F#$%, REALITY CHECK! Besides, i had to rush home....
Kaes, nvm about that. BTW, i wanna tell teddy that he has to take on the very important task, the u-know what task. So make me proud, ok. And dont let me down!
K, that's all the time i have... i have to go back to my revision. I guess its gonna be a long nite.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Thanks Ms Tiara Jacquelina
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Ello, I'm at the com lab now!
Meanwhile, i'm trying to spice up the SVA production. I saw this film, Puteri Gunung Ledang... its very interesting. And i love TIARA JACQUELINA, who plays GUSTI PUTRI RETNO DUMILLAH. She spent over one year undergoing a transformation into the Javanese Putri. Whoa. And she did it good! Okies .. i can go on talking about this movie forever..
Juz check it out yourself at and teddy, i think i will be keeping the disc for a long time. Haha
I think that Hannah, the ghost, should act like that... That will be damn nice. Hehe. BTW, tmr, the sva crew is going shopping. I hope we can get some costumes, like the one of GUSTI PUTRI! That will be damn nice.... but um... Hannah...
Okies, i gtg..
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
my iPod....
Its Pinky And The Brain!
Aft sch , i walked around J8 and wandered wat to do. And, Walla!, i decided to get my iPod Wrapped. Cool. Now, its looks better and it is scratch proof. Haha.
OK, i also got myself new CREATIVE speakers.. i think its time for a face-lift for my room.
Okies, than i went to TTSH... After that, i went to Novena Square. Wah, the place has changed alot... Then suddenly i found a store, it was THE store i had been looking for. . .
SORI brb, gtg shopping for Hannah!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Another Fav Song...
I had to get the lyrics and the english translation. Later i found out the the song is from a poem by Goenawan Mohamad - "Asmaranda/Love Song".
THE POEM - modified
He heard the bats' wings beating and the drumming of the rain,wind leaning on the teak trees.He heard the fidgeting horse stugging at the chariot, as the sky was swept of cloud, revealing the pole star. They had no need
of speech, but he spoke of their separation, of his death.He saw the future: fate, map,journey, war, all indistinctly.
He realized she would not cry.In the morning, there would be footprints on the grass in the yard, leading north.She would refuse to consider what had passed, what was to come,no longer daring to.
Anjasmara, my love, stay with me.The wind has shrouded the moon:time ignores it. Amongst the mist and the fireflies, you forget my face, I forget yours.

Whoa, is this poster nice. Yah if you like this please . . . visit the KCP SVA Blog!
Wah... Still stressed
Yah, gtg. Must study.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Had to listen to this song.....
So, i couldnt stop myself, i had to get the lyrics for my fav song from that film!
Another Day Of Fun, isit?
Haha.... we made some cool stuff for the SVA, and the KCP SVA crew has a blog!
Really Cool stuff will be posted there. There will be regular updates on the happeings of the group. Wah.... Finally. Hannah looks great in her "top model" look! So Scary! Dont forget to check the blog for more stuff.
OK, now its about me. I just updated my space.
Ok, GOOD NIGHT! Must go watch House on AXN!
Friday, September 16, 2005
I got a new phone!
Wah, today SVA meeting was damn boring. Hannah was all wet as usual. We used up alot of water. Hum, but its for a good cause, isit? I was trying to get this Top Modal look for Hannah, but no.. she has a damn blank look! At least she tried. I hope she dosen't catch a cold, or else sebas kill me.
Today, juz b4 the SVA crew left the sch, we met Mrs Gn and ........ ok nvm about that!
I cant wait for tmr, cause i going for another SVA meeting. Hope this is more fun than the last one!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Wah.. had maths and geog today!
After school i went to J8 with Josh and Ben... and soon kai, who had his ipod stuck. We had lunch at this Tori-Q! Interesting food.
Soon, i had to leave. I met my parents and went shopping for a new phone, and i bought .......
K, tats all i got to say today. Lucky tmr dun have any paper. So i can wake up damn late. But still have to meet Teddy and gang in sch..
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Today was my SS prelim as well as POA. SS was damn interesting. I managed to write alot with supporting datails and textbook refrence. I had lots of time to check thru the work. Mrs Gn, please give me more marks ok..... n u look damn cute. And sori i lied to you the other time, when i asked u about what movie you like. Its actually because i wanted to get u a special something for Teacher's Day..... well, i will try to get it for u as soon as possible. ok?
So tmr is my physics. I really hope i can do it properly. Must remember all the formulas.
Really must go... BB
Monday, September 12, 2005
Yes, its back.... bigger and tougher. The movie comes with free head-aches. Upsize the combos and get extra stress! Hurry, call now now to book!
Yes, its true, the prelims have started. Today was my EL paper. And tmr is my SS paper. I love SS... hum guess i love old stuff, or i juz love the SS teacher. Hehehe. Well, wateva. I am really tired and need to continue studying. So tats all!
Take care and BB.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Had a short break..
K, as soon as we go to Malaysia, I was very hungry.. So off to the best food around the area. We had a nice Indian meal. Its was veri spicy...WHOA... its hot, aahhhh! After that we made our way to the Puteri Pan Pacific Hotel. There it was a quick check-in ... and off to the rooms! My room was at level 9. It had a really great view. Next, I was like, " OK, we are here, so wats next?" . Soon we were of to check out the shopping. After the shopping break, a few off us decided to check out the pool. I never expected to have soo much fun. Sadly the hotels beach ball popped... Ah, sigh. So we got out of the pool and into the saunas, jacuzzi, and the steam room. I love the spa. Hehe. I wonder why? After that, it was time for a great dinner.
The next day, i got up late. We were the the last few people to go for breakfast. Then it was off to more shopping. I got my self a Quicksilver cap, a tee and some other stuff. I wanted to get some stuff for Teddy and gang, but sori guys, not much time left. Had to check-out and go get a cab back... After a while of waiting for a cab, we finally managed to get back home...
And now i'm back home. What a day, I need some sleep!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Today? Sigh...
The film only ended at about lunch hour. So I had to have something, so the SVA crew walked down to Mac.. We actually had a quick meal. But later we were rounding J8! Ahh. Then we actually took a bus back, cos we were too lazy and tired! Back at Teo's Com Rm.. i was too tired to actually do anything. So u had a little break. That break eventually became very long. Sigh..
After that, i left the school with Zain and KFC. I should not have disturbed the chicken and the chicken-lover! Ahhh... But wat the for!
Now, I'm trying to complete my DNT... wat the .... okie, NVM. So, i have got lots of stuff to do tmr. N must remember to buy STUFF mag! Its my fav mag... maybe after the you know wat mags.... Hehehe
Okie, thats it for today..
Monday, September 05, 2005
Hum... i'm very tired!
After we met, we had a simple meal, and i started to do my DNT folio. And yes, its the same one i've been trying to complete... Today, however was different. We were told that it is the final day for submission. So everyone in the class took a spot in the workshop and did the folio. It looked really weird. The whole class was actually doing something....
I was also with the SVA crew too. It is nice for all of us to meet again, though i missed the times that we used to travel around the country. North. South. East. We've been there... Only left west, but we feel that it's too boring and also very far away. I wonder where we should go for the next SVA meeting. How about Sentosa.. And i really can't understand why Zain actually sacrificed himself.. He is really good, yet the situation had unexpected results. WHY? But, we are all still a team, better still, we are a big family... We had lots of great times. We made the Teo Com Room like our own home. No one else could enter. Thoses where really fun times....
Now, i am more concerned about my studies. I have several courses in mind. I hope i can get to it. I have to start studying smart, not just hard.This is going to be hard...
Well better go and complete my folio. BB!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
hehe... i love birthday's
It ain't over till the fat lady sings... on my new iPod. Hehe, i have my own iPod, a very special gift from my parents. Now i have lots of space ;) I am soo excited. I was at the Commex fair to get my iPod today. It was very crowded.... so crowded that we had to wait a long time just to get in. It's worst than a war zone in there.
Today, i also had lots of fun with the SVA crew - + Schools Video Awards + - It has been a long time since we all met. And as usual, we had lots of fun. We went to the Esplanade Theaters On The Bay. There, we went to this store "POPCORNPOP" It is a store dedicated to all those wonderful movie lovers and collectors. They have movie posters, postcards, calendar cards, magnets, flyer(handbills) from all over the world. As usual, i could not just leave without getting anything.. After a lot of searching, i bought a Blade Trinity Poster. I wanted to get the banner,but sadly they did not have the set..
Okie... i cant wait to use the iPod... gtg.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Had Lots Of Fun Todaay!!!!
Then, we had dinner at the J8 foodcourt. We ate some teppanyaki stuff. It was damn spicy... After dinner, we were too free so we decided to go and watch a movie. We all watched " The Perfect Catch" It is a really funny movie... especially the gym scene. Hehe.
After the movie, well the fun was about over. And guess wat, i hope that this person i asked will go wif me to grad nite.... okie, i think she would, but wat if..... hum... i better loose some weight.
I wonder wat tommorrow would be like. And i still havent got any thing for Mrs Gn, the short aand cute teacher, ALRIGHT!, and i still havent gotten anyhing for Mr Chua. I really wish to thank him! Okie thats all i have to say today....
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Its My B'day
After DNT, i rushed home and expected a surprise, but nope, there was nothin. Sigh. Later in the evening my family, frenz and relations went out for a huge dinner -> No wonder i can't loose weight <- After dinner, i reali had a surprise. It was great. It was well planned. Usually my cous and i do the planning for others, this time it was all for me. I felt really great...hehe. Its a great night!!
HUM. I wonder what will happen tmr. What should i wear? Ahh ... I still have to walk 2km. Its gonna be hot. Well, i'm reali tired.. GTG!
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Its Sunday!
Last night was really fun. One of my best nights out this year. I can wait for the next time i get to go out. Hehehe, the Sep holidays are coming soon.... maybe i can .... hum
Okie, so thats all the time i have today. Must r.u.s.h. Ahhhh!!!
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Its been a long day!
Friday, August 26, 2005
.Do Not Try.
Oh well.. Life goes on, rite? Okie, i cant wait for my b'day dinner tmr. My B'day's on the 30 of Aug, but no time, so must have fun tmr. Hum.. i'm finally gonna be NC-16. So wat else can i do this year?
Monday, July 25, 2005
Today, humm...
WaH , i miss a day of sch.. YES! Well i had enough time to relax.
I've got alot of cathing up to to study n study harder.